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Группы : Дискографии


Turisas: "Battle Metal" – 2004

энциклопедия: Turisas

Состав группы:

  • Warlord Nygård – вокал, программирование, перкуссия
  • Georg Laakso – электро– и акустическая гитары
  • Antti Ventola – клавишные, синтезатор, вибрафон, Хаммонд
  • Jussi Wickström – электро– и акустическая гитары, бас
  • Tude Lehtonen – ударные и перкуссия

Приглашённые музыканты:

  • Riku Ylitalo – аккордеон, клавишные
  • Olli Vänskä – скрипка
  • Emmanuelle Zoldan – вокал
  • Saku Teräväinen – вокал
  • Hannes Horma – вокал
  • Teemu Lehtonen – вокал
  • Sami Aarnio – вокал
  • Winsef Boncamper – вокал

Turisas: "Battle Metal" – 2004


  1. Victoriae & Triumphi Dominus
  2. As Torches Rise
  3. Battle Metal
  4. The Land Of Hope And Glory
  5. The Messenger
  6. One More
  7. Midnight Sunrise
  8. Among Ancestors
  9. Sahti-Waari
  10. Prologue for R. R. R.
  11. Rex Regi Rebellis
  12. Katuman Kaiku


1. Victoriae & Triumphi Dominus


перевод: "Победа и триумфальное превосходство" (Alex Thorn) »

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2. As Torches Rise

I take a look around,
the blood of our men has painted the ground
There are corpses lying everywhere
Some try to pray, some cry in despair
As our enemy cuts its way through our lines
Desperate thoughts take over our minds
Is this to be the end of our days?

The overwhelming enemy
rides our front lines down
With hate in their faces, with hate in their sound
Houndreds of men lying wounded on the ground
No one can help them,
to their destiny they're bound

I think of my family, I think of my home
Interrupted by a fearful tone:
"We're practically dead, they'll slaughter us all!"
Through a cloud of dust I see our right wing fall

This cursed war will swallow us all
What will happen to our loved-ones,
the ones we're fighting for?
I will not stand and watch this army fall
We will fight back, hear us roar

Pull our lines together
Our fury is greater than the worst stormy weather
I grasp the sword in my hand, this is for my brothers,
this is for my land
With blood on my face to battle I ride
With dust in my eyes, with faith in my heart
Until death do us part

From the skies a man came down to earth
He lead our way and rode first
How dark the night may seem
A new day always heals

I stroll across the field, the morning has broken,
our victory's been sealed
The hooves have plowed the ground to mud,
familiar faces in ponds of blood
A snowflake lands on my face,
melts and runs away
The sun rose red that day

перевод: "Как разгорание факелов" (Alex Thorn) »

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3. Battle Metal

A name uttered with fear
No smile, no tears
They'll crush your skull with a blow
And pile them in a row

The heart of Turisas was forged by four winds
In a smithy high up in the skies
On an anvil honour, with a hammer of blood
The Four Winds pounded

Battle Metal!
As the battle rages the dearest to you, you hold in your hand –
and stick in their lungs!

An iron gaze of a hawk
Out of sight they stalk
Their arrows cut the air an they fly
Death from the sky

Thunder in their eyes
A riding demise
Storming over the men on the field
Breaking their shield

Take this sign into your heart and be brave
Let it lead you to your glory or your grave

Hear me, my warriors
Soldiers from all the edges of the world
Let us join our forces
To an army, united

Four winds will guide us
The Heart of Turisas will lead our way
Our drums echo: Forward march
Our horns cry for victory

Boldest of them all
They've answered the call
Their arms were strenghtened by the work of their swords
They'll march till they fall

The heart of Turisas was forged by four winds
In a smithy high up in the skies
On an anvil honour, with a hammer of blood
The Four Winds pounded

перевод: "Боевой метал" (Alex Thorn) »

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4. The Land Of Hope And Glory

Far away, where the sunshine never fades
There lies this land, the greatest of tales

A strong golden gate now slowly moves aside
In walks a man, exhausted by the tide

Finally, I've reached my destiny
I've crossed the western sea for the land of hope an glory
In front of me stands the glorious grand city
A feeling that I can breathe, and be free

Surrounding golden walls, finest marble covers the halls
Silver-plated streets that glimmer and shine
Statues, monuments and fountains filled with wine
And trees nearly touching the sky

In the land of hope and glory

I head to the greatest hall,
take a deep breath and open the door
Is this the land of hope and glory?
Sitting on a golden throne,
an ape holding a scepter of bone
It utters: "The die is cast."

Surrounding golden walls...

Echoes from the homeland

Kaikuen laulu raikaa takaa ulapan
Kotimaan rannat kutsuu poikaa Pohjolan

Hoist the sails, it's time to leave these lands behind
Rain or hail won't stop me, I have made up my mind

Surrounded by dark emptiness
The sea is cold and merciless
All alone, I'm heading home

Over the vast sea, wide and so deep
Ahti I greet thee, I'm heading home!
The wind is rising, cold and biting
Ilmarinen I greet thee
Northern shores – I'm home

No surrounding golden walls, no marble covered halls
No silver-plated streets that glimmer and shine
No statues, monuments nor fountains filled with wine
Only trees touching the sky

Far away, where sunshine never fades
There lies this land, the greatest of tales

перевод: "Земля надежды и славы" (Alex Thorn) »

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5. The Messenger

I saddle my horse as fast as I can
"The message is urgent, find the man!"
The camp soon vanishes out of my sight
As I rush my black steed into the night

I am the messenger of fate
I spur on my horse, the hour is late
I am the herald, I am the sign
My only enemy is time

Hooves hit the rocky ground
The clatter echoes all around
Alone I ride, come what may
The stars in the nightsky guide my way today

On my arrival, will you welcome me?
The sign is given, can't you see?

All hail the Messenger
Strong by heart, wind or rain
Won't stop the Messenger
The news are on the way

The faith of man lies in my hands

At last I fly through the gate
Men, woman, children... "Out of my way!"
Up the winding alley with fury I ride
I jump off my horseback and push the doors aside

All hail the Messenger
Strong by heart...

You are the Messenger
Strong by heart...

Fate now lies in your own hands

перевод: "Гонец" (Alex Thorn) »

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6. One More

Gathered round the wooden table
Same tavern as the nights before
I brace myself against the gable
Sunlight pushes its way through the gap in the door

As the golden sunbeams reach my eyes
I stand up and raise my pint up high

One more for our brothers who fought beside us
One more and forward again
Once more, we'll fight and conquer
Until we'll meet again

Staring at the stools not taken
I reach for my tankard of ale
The silence remains unbroken
All you hear is a tinkle of mail

As the golden sunbeams reach my eyes
I stand up and raise my pint up high

One more for our brothers...

Like a raging thunderstorm we flew down the forested hill
Tree-trunks and rocks passing by
The endless ranks stood waiting out in the open field
My fingers gripped the handle of my sword

With full power we smashed into their lines
The ground shook, swords tasted flesh
Hooves trampling over men screaming for their lives
The battle raged until both troops were threshed

Grief no more over friends who died
That day will come to us all
Until then we shall fight with pride
Raise our pints till the dawn

Grief no more over friends who died
That day will come to us all
Side by side we shall ride once more
When the Horn calls for War

Feeling low and heavy hearted
Interrupted by a distant alarm
Seems like the war has started
May it be for our brothers in arms

Once again the golden sunbeam reaches my eyes
I stand up and raise my sword up high

One more for our brothers...

перевод: "Еще одну" (Alex Thorn) »

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7. Midnight Sunrise

In the darkest shadows, under the black rocks
And ancient moss
Where steam arises from the cracks in the crust of ground
The spiteful dwell

Fast, fast, fast, fast, faster than the lightning strikes
Trying to make it in time
Hide, hide, hide, hide, hide from the bright demise
Rush away from the...

Midnight Sunrise

The night embraces these lands
People stand in a circle holding hands
A blaze over a peaceful summery lake
Enlightens their faces and gilds the lanscape

Under cover of darkness they have arisen
And set their feet on the ground
As the people celebrate they head to their homes
To wreak havoc with their property

Fast, fast, fast, fast...

Midnight Sunrise

The night embraces these lands
People stand in a circle holding hands
A blaze over a peaceful summery lake
Enlightens their faces and gilds the lanscape

The hourglass' sand stops flowing, currents stand still
The distant horizon glowing, a glimmer over the hill
Three golden kings come riding across the midnight skies
Three golden blades shining, a sight for sore eyes
Time stood still as sons of the dawn rode by

As the daybreak approaches
and the sunbeams close in on them
Horror fills their hearts
Running for their lives as fas as they can
In panic they flee

Fast, fast, fast, fast...

Midnight Sunrise

The night embraces these lands
People stand in a circle holding hands
A blaze over a peaceful summery lake
Enlightens their faces and gilds the lanscape

Twelve golden hooves come smashing down on earth
And chase the creatures to the holes
Where they once were given birth
The ones who are not that lucky to escape
Are burning down to ashes in the midnight sunrise

Three golden kings come riding across the midnight skies
Three golden blades shining, a sight for sore eyes
Time stood still as sons of the dawn rode by

перевод: "Полуночный восход" (Alex Thorn) »

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8. Among Ancestors

A peaceful grove,
in treetops above the whisper of the wind
It echoes over fields, over endless wilderness
You close your eyes and there you are
among your ancestors
They greet you,
welcomed to enter the war
for freedom of their heirs

Over the vasted fields, bearing the strongest shields
Our fathers rode
Through the thickest brakes,
armed with the sharpest stakes
To none they bowed

The Northern blow cuts through your skin
As swells beat your vessel
The open sea surrounding seems dark and cold
You wonder why men around
you sit quiet for themselves
Staring into the darkness...

They know what awaits them there
It is victory, or death

The calm Baltic Sea
reflects the first morning sunbeams
A rosy-fingered dawn over the seas,
an illusion of peace
Straight ahead a palisade steep
The time has come, "Hit the beach!"

Over the vasted fields, bearing the strongest shields
Our fathers rode
Through the thickest brakes,
armed with the sharpest stakes
To none they bowed

A peaceful grove,
in treetops above the whisper of the wind
It echoes over fields, over endless wilderness
You close your eyes and there you are
among your ancestors
They greet you welcome to enter the war
for the freedom of their heirs

At last, the moment you've been waiting for
Now it's time to fight or fall
The enemy line getting closer and closer
You distinguish his eye-whites
And pull your sword..."Strike!"

You see your blade cut off his head
Another father ends up dead
No time to think who will miss him at nights
Another slash and someone's husband dies

See the fear in their eyes
"Their lines are scattered, hunt them down!"
None were left alive to tell their wives

перевод: "Среди предков" (Alex Thorn) »

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9. Sahti-Waari

Nyt täyttyy mahlainen malja
Tuoppeihin virtaa sahti ja kalja
Uusi polvi kun päätänsä nostaa
Vanha tapa ei kuole koskaan

Murtumaan ei kristityn miekkakaan meitä saa
Käymme teistoa ainiaan
Nyt laulumme jumalille raikaa saa
Siis tuoppinne nostakaa!

Tummat pilvet, ilkeä taivas
On kaukana korpien kätköissä maa
Kyiset pellot, katajainen kansa
Luulivat voivansa sen alistaa

10. Prologue for R. R. R.


11. Rex Regi Rebellis

Cold autumn rain, fields new-plowed
A sludgy bane, far from home
The time has come, our troops march on
A silent hum, a cheerful song

Den snöiga nord är vart fädernesland
Där sprakar var härd pa den stormiga strand
Där växte vid svärdet var seniga arm
Där glödde för tro och för ära var barm

Vi vattnade i Nevans bad var frustande häst
Han sam öfver Weichseln sa glad kom till fest
Han sam öfver rhen vart hämnade stal
Han drack utur Donau kejsarens skal

Och rida vi fram öfver slätter och däld
Sa springa ur hofvarna gnistor af eld
Sa haglar vart hugg som ett hammarslag
Sa ljusnar för världen en framtids dag

Meill' äärillä Pohjolan on kotilies
Sen tuiskujen tuttu on Pohjolan mies
Käsivartemme karkaisi kalpojen työ
Sydän uskoa, uljuutta hehkuen lyö

Suur' ollut Neva uida raisun ratsumme ei
Kuin juhlaan se meit' yli Veikselin vei
taa Reinin se tuomionmiekkamme tio
se Tonavasta keisarim maljoja joi

Me riennämme, jää veritantereet taa
Tult' iskevi ratsujen raudoista maa
Ja säilämme leimuten lyö, salamoi
Käy Pohjolasta vapaiden korkea koi

In morning mist, dark lines stand still
With clenched fists, against her will
At the break of dawn, our forces assemble
A distant horn, soon cannons will rumble

A shroud of smoke, an iron breeze
A man of hope, hell unleashed
A glove of steel (sweeps the) front line down
A white lone steed, a fallen crown

Den snöiga nord är vart fädernesland
Där sprakar var härd pa den stormiga strand
Där växte vid svärdet var seniga arm
Där glödde för tro och för ära var barm

Var tröst du, som suckar I mörker och band!
Vi komma, Vi komma, vi lösa din hand
Där pustar ej träl i var frostiga nord
Friborne vi rida i fält för Guds ord

Vid Breitenfeld vi togo Pappenheim I var famn
Vi skrefvo pa Kronenbergs brynja vart namn
Vi svedde gratt skägg for Tilly vid Lech
Vi blödde med kungsblod vid Lützens häck

Och rida vi längt fran vart nordliga spar
Till glödande dufvor med blödande sar
Sa smattra trumpeterna segerbud
Hugg in, tappra led! Fram! Med oss är Gud

Meill' äärillä Pohjolan on kotilies
Sen tuiskujen tuttu on Pohjolan mies
Käsivartemme karkaisi kalpojen työ
Sydän uskoa, uljuutta hehkuen lyö

Pääs nosta, yön vanki, vaikk' ylläs on ies!
Me saavumme, särjemme teljet sun ties
Vilu Puhja on urhoin, ei orjien maa
Sana Herran ne sankariretkelle saa

Sen Breitenfeldiss' ylväs Pappenheim koki kai
Ja Kronenberg halkeimen haarniskan sai
Tuli Tillyltä parran Lech-viralla söi
Veri kuninkaamme Lützenin työn sinetöi

Ja Pohjan jos äärilta rientomme tuo
Ja rypäle ja hurme sen hohotohon luo
Soi voittoa torvemme, Taiselohon!
Eespäin! Iske, lyö! Jumal' linnamme on

Out of the dust, past our ranks
Came a mount without a master
Blood-stained it strode all alone
Each one knew The Oak had fallen

Hakkaa päälle Pohjan Poika!

Ride for revenge, we march again for the King and the mighty
Feel no fatigue, your wounds will heal when we've slain the foe
so greedy

12. Katuman Kaiku


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